Frame Console 3.38.0
Ability to share and revoke Shared VPCs from one GCP cloud account to another GCP cloud account, under Cloud Services at a Customer or Organization level (requires a Shared VPC to be configured in GCP Console).
Frame Admin API endpoint to unassign an assigned persistent desktop.
Issue where user profiles and personal drive options appeared to be available for Linux workload VMs.
Issue where, if an admin uploaded a custom Launchpad background in Dashboard that exceeded the file size limit, the UI would not provide a reason why the upload failed.
Issue where Dashboard does not explain that an attempt to increase the Sandbox disk size beyond the maximum allowed disk size is not allowed.
Changed the Unassign Persistent Desktop dialog box “Save” button to “Unassign” for clarity.
Changed the Generic USB Redirection toggle under Session Settings to USB Redirection.
Changed the labels in the Keyboard Profiles configuration window for clarity.
Issue where successful backups do not appear in Dashboard > Volumes > Backups unless the entire web page is refreshed.
Issue where the volume backups created by the Backup All Volumes option were classified as Auto backups instead of Manual backups.
Issue where the Volume Backup “Created At” time was incorrect as the time was displayed with the local timezone of the browser but the time was in UTC.
Additional cosmetic and reliability fixes.
Frame Gateway 9.13.0
For the generic server error (“Unrecoverable error starting server”), notifications at Customer and Organization entity levels now include the cloud account, Frame account, and machine names.
When a Publish fails or a Frame account is terminated, Frame Gateway will verify that there are no orphaned VMs or volumes that were previously provisioned for that Frame account.