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71 posts tagged with "Frame Platform"

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Gateway 11.18.0

  • Minor performance and reliability hotfixes.
  • The retention policy for Disk Usage has been changed from 12 months to 6 months. (See Data Availability for more details).
    • This change will be effective as of October 13, 2024. If you need to retain any of this data beyond the new Data Availability policy, please export the relevant data using the Download CSV option prior to this date.

Frame Console 4.16.0


  • Frame Docs link on Updates page. (FRAME-1451)


  • Cosmetic and reliability fixes.

Frame Gateway 11.17.0


  • Guardrail to ensure SGA 4 node cannot be deleted until the node is finished being created as part of initial SGA 4 cluster creation.
  • When cloning the Sandbox from one Account to another, automatically delete any previous clone backups after clone operation completes (latest clone backup is retained). (FRAME-1244)
  • [IBM Cloud] Guardrail to prevent issues where IBM Cloud API results in multiple VMs being created with the same disk.
  • [IBM Cloud] Workaround to reduce publishing times due to IBM Cloud failing to add resource tags to provisioned VMs. ## Frame will now retroactively check and add missing tags post-creation.

Frame Console 4.15.1


  • Admins can now search the Dashboard > VMs page by server name, ID, instance type or machine name for both persistent and non-persistent Frame Accounts.
  • [Admin API] Maintenance Mode API endpoint. (FRAME-1360)
  • Increased maximum disk size for User Volumes to 1024GB. (FRAME-1417)
  • New Audio Playback setting for automatically enabling audio in session is now available within Dashboard > Settings > Session. This setting is disabled by default except for any Accounts/Launchpads where the unmuteAudio Advanced Terminal Argument is set. (FRAME-1338)
  • Admins can now configure unique Keyboard Profiles for each Launchpad via Launchpad > Session Settings. (FRAME-1349)
  • VM cards in Dashboard > VMs now display FAILED status and reason for session failure when applicable.

Frame Console 4.14.0


  • Card view is now available for Dashboard > VMs providing more detailed VM-specific information including Frame Server version, FGA version, availability zone, and storage type.
  • New OFS feature badge is now available within Admin Console > Accounts if OFS is enabled for an Account.
  • New column showing Last Used date and time for Persistent Desktops in Dashboard > Volumes. (FRAME-1239)
  • New Customer Support and Organization Support user roles. These roles provide the same permissions as existing Account Support role - but for accounts across the Customer or Organization. (FRAME-1369)
  • The VM Workload ID is now viewable by hovering over the Session ID in Dashboard > Sessions.
  • The Dashboard > Updates page now displays a list of all VMs that require updates, making it easier to identify and manage updates for Persistent Desktop VMs.
  • Persistent Desktops can now be assigned by user_uuid.
  • Improved error reporting in scenarios where Frame Terminal fails to load.
  • Additional cosmetic, performance, and reliability improvements.

Frame Console 4.13.0


  • Streaming Gateway 4 is now Generally Available for all public cloud providers. The new Streaming Gateway page for management of clusters and nodes is now available in Admin Console. Please see Streaming Gateway 4 documentation for more details. Installation files for manually deployed nodes are available on our downloads page.


    Streaming Gateway Appliance (SGA) versions 3.5 and earlier are not supported with the new Streaming Gateway management page in Admin Console.

Frame Console 4.12.0


  • Dashboard > Sessions page now displays active sessions as the default view. (FRAME-1387)
  • New! Search bar added to the top of the Dashboard > Users > SAML2 Permissions page can be used to easily find specific SAML2 permissions. (FRAME-1340)
  • General UI enhancements.

Frame Console 4.11.0


  • New Session page replaces Audit Trail > Session Trail. Admins can now view all sessions (active and past) on the new page, available in both the Admin Console and Dashboard. Relevant session information has also been enhanced. (FRAME-1368)
  • Support for custom Resource Tags on a per-Cloud Account basis. Admins can now add and manage custom tags under Cloud Account > Advanced settings, which will be added to all resources created within that Cloud Account. (FRAME-463, FRAME-976)
  • Support for custom Cloud VM Prefix on a per-Cloud Account basis. Admins can now specify a custom naming prefix under Cloud Account > Advanced settings, which will serve as the default prefix for all VMs created within that Cloud Account. This can be overwritten at the Account level.
  • [Tech Preview] New Updates page within Account Dashboard which shows OS and Frame updates that are available for VMs within the Account (applicable to Sandbox, Utility Servers, and Persistent Desktops). Available updates are refreshed when VM is powered on. Please open a support case to enable this feature.
  • General UI and branding improvements.

Frame Console 4.10.0


  • Support for customers to register their own IBM Cloud account.
  • USB Redirection now generally available.
  • Ability to increase the size of persistent desktop disks beyond 512 GB.
  • Ability for customers to restrict access to the Azure storage container and/or skip Azure cloud account validation when registering their own Azure cloud accounts.
  • Ability for administrators to check the status of an ongoing replication process for specific backups and disable the ablity to replicate if the task is in progress.
  • Updated the branding of the invitation email.

Frame Console 4.9.0


  • New Launchpad experience will be rolled out to the first subset of customer Accounts.
  • [GCP] Ability to select the following disk types when creating a new Account in GCP:
    • SSD (default)
    • Balanced (decreased disk performance, lower cost)
  • The tooltip that appears when hovering over a specific Volume on the Volume Backups page for non-persistent accounts now shows the Frame User UUID in addition to the Frame Volume ID. This update ensures administrators can match volumes to the corresponding users within their cloud infrastructure in a self-service manner.

Frame Console 4.8.0


  • Account administrators are now able to change the Terminal Build used for sessions for the entire Account or specific Launchpad by navigating to Settings > Session > Advanced Options and selecting the desired version from the dropdown menu:

    • Latest: Current GA release of Frame Terminal This is the default setting and is strongly recommended for production users.
    • Previous: Previous GA release of Frame Terminal. This is only recommended if there are issues with Latest release.
    • Tech Preview: Tech Preview release of upcoming Frame Terminal. This is only recommended for testing purposes.
  • The tooltip that appears when hovering over a specific Volume on the Volumes page for non-persistent accounts now shows the Frame User UUID in addition to the Frame Volume ID. This update ensures administrators can match volumes to the corresponding users within their cloud infrastructure in a self-service manner.

Frame Console 4.7.0


  • Max Session Duration timeout is now an optional setting and can now be enabled or disabled. When enabled, administrators can set a maximum duration for sessions, after which the sessions will automatically close. By default, this feature is disabled for all new Accounts. This timeout will remain enabled and configured for existing Accounts.

Frame Console 4.6.0


  • Dizzion Status Page is now accessible through a link featured on all Frame Dashboards.
  • New session field sga_version is provided to Frame Terminal to delineate SGA version being used for the session.


  • Fixed an issue where cloning an account Sandbox with FRP8 enabled to an account without FRP8 enabled resulted in an error, causing the destination account to incorrectly behave as if FRP8 was enabled without the session settings reflecting this change.
  • Fixed an issue where automatic User Volume backups were failing to initiate for some Accounts.
  • Fixed an issue where text entered into the search bar of the Volumes tab would also populate in the search bar under the user name in the Frame Console.
  • Additional reliability fixes.

Frame Console 4.5.0


  • Ability to disable specific SAML2 permissions without needing to delete it.
  • Ability to view end-user location details on Dashboard > Status > Servers page for any VMs that have an active session.

Frame Console 4.4.0


  • Ability to initiate backup of multiple User Volumes and Persistent Desktops simultaneously.
  • Changed default date range to 1 day for Session Trail and 7 days for Audit Trail.
  • Ability to set new Shutdown Timeout at the Account level which will apply to all Instance Pool VMs and Persistent Desktop VMs.

Frame Console 4.3.0


  • Redesigned “card view” for Accounts and Organizations within Admin Console provides administrator with a heads-up display of key information.
  • Notifications and Tasks now have dedicated pages within Dashboard and Admin Console. Previously they were combined within Notification Center.
  • Frame SSO feature is now Generally Available.
  • When using Reset Master Image for the Sandbox, admin is now presented option to select a specific Master Image to reset to.
  • Ability to set new Shutdown Timeout for Sandbox which specifies how long, after a Sandbox is powered on (with no active or disconnected session), it will remain on before automatically powering off. Default is 60 minutes.

Frame Console 4.2.0


  • Publish progress details are now available within Dashboard > Sandbox when publishing.
  • Ability to Reset Master Image (Dashboard > Sandbox) is now available for Accounts deployed on public cloud (previously this was only available for Nutanix AHV Accounts).
  • Active Sessions and Session Trail now shows which Launchpad (name) was used to start the session.
  • Support for Microsoft InTune MDM for Azure AD-joined instances.
  • More detailed session close reasons in Session Trail.
  • Ability to filter User Volumes and Persistent Desktops by last used date.
  • For Persistent Desktop Accounts, Status page now shows any VMs that are in the shadow pool.
  • Application Launchpads will have App Mode 2.0 enabled by default for new Accounts.
  • [Tech Preview] Redesigned Launchpad experience. Customers can test the new experience by reaching out to Frame Support.


  • Issue where the Start Session to Sandbox button is still available when a Publish is in progress.
  • Additional cosmetic and reliability fixes.

Frame Terminal 6.40.0


  • [GCP] Proper error handling when session cannot be suspended or fails.


  • Issue where Frame Application Update option shows in the gear menu when using Frame App 6.16.
  • Additional reliability fixes.

Frame Gateway 11.2.0


  • [Admin API] Expose last successful backup date/time for User Volumes and Persistent Desktops.
  • Additional notifications for Publish progress.
  • Guardrail to prevent VMs that are scheduled to be stopped or terminated from being reserved for new sessions when requests happen simultaneously.


  • [GCP] Issue where the Frame session token expiration was set equal to Max Session Duration when the Suspend and Resume feature is being used. This would potentially cause session resume to fail if the session token expired while the VM was in a suspended state. Now in these scenarios, session token expiration will be set equal to the max duration a VM can be suspended for (60 days) plus the Max Session Duration.
  • Additional reliability fixes.

Frame Console 4.1.0


  • Custom resource tagging is now available upon initial Account creation. All resources created within the Account will have custom tags applied. Custom tags cannot be added to existing Accounts.
  • Frame Terms of Service is now updated to Dizzion’s Master Service Agreement. Admins will be prompted to accept new agreement (end users will not be prompted).
  • Refreshed branding with new Frame logos/icons.
  • FRP8 is now enabled by default for new Accounts created with Public Networking on BYO public cloud accounts.
  • Optimize Session Trail page performance.
  • Guardrail to prevent deletion of an Instance Pool when there are active sessions using that pool.
  • Support for up to three Domain Controller FQDNs when configuring Active Directory domain join.

Frame Console 3.67.0


  • New refreshed Launchpad experience featuring modern icons and streamlined UI elements to enhance overall user experience.
  • Added new error message if Max Session Duration is set to a value less than other timeouts values within Dashboard > Settings > Session > Time Limits.

Frame Console 3.66.0


  • [Admin API] New endpoint /accounts/:account_id/:server_external_id/restore_persistent_desktop/:backup_external_id added to restore Persistent Desktop backups.


  • Cosmetic fixes.

Frame Console 3.65.0


  • New Frame-branded title tag and favicon.
  • Administrators attempting to create a new Frame Account using an image that utilizes our legacy architecture (mf2service) will now be prompted with an error message.


  • Reliability and cosmetic fixes.

Frame Console 3.64.0


  • Issue within the Master Images configuration page (Cloud Accounts > Update > Master Images) where you unable to filter by Image Family.
  • Removed requirement to check FGA category when importing a BYO Master Image.
  • [GCP] Issue when resuming a suspended session if Desktop Auto Launch is enabled for the Launchpad.
  • Additional cosmetic and reliability fixes.

Frame Console 3.63.0


  • Updated Master Images configuration page within Cloud Accounts > Update > Master Images to make it easier to view all available master images in a table format as well as ability to discard master images.


  • Additional cosmetic and reliability fixes.

Frame Console 3.62.0


  • Issue where user with Account Support role is unable to view Status page contents within Account Dashboard.
  • Additional cosmetic and reliability fixes.

Frame Console 3.61.0


  • Server details (when hovering over the Machine Name within Account Dashboard > Status > Servers) now includes the type of Windows Active Directory domain join (Classic or Azure AD), if the Server is domain-joined.


  • Issue where duplicate sessions may appear in the Active Sessions page.

Frame Console 3.60.0


  • Session start failure reason as a new field in Audit Trail > Session Trail > Download CSV.
  • [Admin API] Session start failure reason as a new field in Frame Admin API endpoint /accounts/:account_id/session-trails response.
  • Ability for customer administrator to refresh the list of customer-managed virtual networks on-demand in Cloud Accounts > Virtual Networks.
  • Additional option Backup all persistent volumes to filter Tasks in Notification Center > Tasks.

Frame Console 3.59.0


  • Ability for the administrator to see and copy the Volume ID when hovering over the Volume Name of a volume in the Volumes page.
  • [Admin API] /accounts/:account_id/instance_types endpoint to list all available instance types for an Account.
  • Ability to separately specify the number of Scheduled (automatic) and Manual Persistent Desktop backups within Dashboard > Capacity.
  • Added options for administrators to Retry Creating Sandbox or Change Instance Type when the Sandbox VM cannot be provisioned during the Account creation process due to lack of available instance.

Frame Console 3.58.1


  • Ability to specify which version of Frame Terminal new sessions will utilize, configured on a per Account or Launchpad basis:

    • Latest (current GA version) - Default
    • Previous (previous GA version)
    • Experimental (EA version)

Frame Console 3.57.0


  • [AHV] The vGPU profile name is now displayed in the instance type tooltip under the AHV Cloud Account.

  • User Volume Autogrow Setting now supports a free space threshold of less than 1.0 GB and value increments of 0.25 GB.

Frame Console 3.56.0


  • [Admin API] /accounts/:account_id/session-trails includes the Launchpad ID.

  • Dashboard > Audit Log > Session Trail > Download CSV includes the Launchpad ID.

  • Ability to increase user volume size for one or more user volumes (Enterprise Profile and Personal Drives) in Dashboard > Volumes. Each user volume can have a maximum size of 100 GB.

  • YUV444 support is now Generally Available.

Tech Preview Frame Overlay File System

We are announcing the release of Frame Overlay File System (OFS) to Tech Preview. OFS will be Frame’s new stateless driver for non-persistent workload VMs. With this release, OFS will be disabled by default.

Frame Console 3.55.1


  • New feature within Account Dashboard > Settings > Domain Settings to automatically delete the Active Directory computer object associated with the Frame instance when the instance is terminated (as part of the Publish process or when reducing Max Instances for an Instance Pool). Feature is enabled by default for new Accounts and disabled for existing Accounts (when AD domain-joined).

Frame Console 3.54.0


  • Redesigned Admin Console to match the Account Dashboard look and feel. Viewing your Account list, creating new Accounts/Organizations, modifying Customer and Organization settings, etc. can now be done within the new Customer Dashboard and Organization Dashboard.
  • AWS GovCloud is now a supported cloud provider.
  • Renamed Max Bandwidth to Max Video Bitrate within Settings > Session > Network and increased the maximum allowed value from 32 Mbps to 64 Mbps.
  • Warning messages when deleting associated Volume Backups when deleting Volumes.

Frame Base Images 2304


  • [AWS, Azure] New consolidated base OS images that includes drivers for both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. Customers can now leverage all supported instance types within a single Frame Account (based on instance availability within the particular region for the customer's cloud subscription). Consolidated images are available for all supported OS versions.


    These images are supported by default for new Accounts. If you would like to add this capability for your existing Accounts, please open a support ticket.

  • Tech Preview [Azure] Windows 11 base OS image is now available in Azure for non-vTPM-enabled VMs.
  • Tech Preview Windows Server 2022 base OS image is now available across all supported infrastructure platforms.

Frame Console 3.53.0


  • Auto Launch feature within Dashboard > Launchpad. When enabled, the session will automatically start when the user logs into the Launchpad. This feature is only available for Desktop Launchpads and Application Launchpads with only a single application configured.
  • Cancel Publish option to Sandbox within the kebab menu when a publish is in progress.
  • Redesign of the Customer-Managed Networking configuration.
  • Redesign of the Summary > Status widget to show configured Instance Pools and their status.
  • When deleting Volumes (Enterprise Profiles, Personal Drives, or Persistent Desktops), administrators now have the option to also delete all associated backups.
  • [Admin API] /accounts/:account_id/_session_trails_ now includes the time to start a session for each session.
  • [Admin API] New endpoint /accounts/:account_id/persistent_desktop_servers/last_used_date returns the date/time when the persistent desktop was last used.
  • [Admin API] New endpoint /accounts/:account_id/user_volumes_backups to delete a user volume backup.
  • [Admin API] New endpoint /accounts/:account_id/user_volume_backups/:user_volume_backup_id/restore to restore a user volume backup.

Frame Console 3.52.2


  • New session setting (Settings > Session > Features) to enable support for 4K displays on CPU-only instance types. This feature is enabled by default for newly created Frame accounts. The Advanced Server Argument -enable4KOnCPUDisplays (which was previously used to enable this functionality) is now deprecated.

Frame Server


  • Updated mf2server.exe installer to be more antivirus-friendly, reducing chance of being quarantined.
  • [FRP8] Enhancements to mechanism for reconnecting to the Frame control plane when disconnected.
  • Support for server-side mouse rendering to better support use cases such as the use of a 3D mouse.

Frame Console 3.51.1


  • Within the Task and Notification menus, Account affiliation is now shown for each task/notification. Hovering over the Account name also displays the relevant Organization and Customer affiliation.
  • [Admin API] Ability to query Enterprise Profile, Personal Drive, and Persistent Desktop Backups via new Frame Admin API endpoints.

Frame Console 3.50.0


  • Redesigned notification/tasks dropdown menu within Dashboard and Admin Console. There are now separate menus for notifications and tasks.
  • Redesigned Launchpad icon within Dashboard.
  • [Admin API] Ability to start “headless” sessions (no connected user) via new Frame Admin API endpoint. Endpoint returns the Session ID.

Frame Console 3.49.0


  • [Early Access] Frame Single Sign-On (SSO) is now available in Early Access (requires Frame Server and FGA and higher) for Active Directory domain-joined Accounts. Administrators can enable the feature on a per Account basis via Dashboard > Settings > Domain Settings > Frame SSO. Please see our Frame SSO documentation to learn more about this feature.

Frame Console 3.48.0


  • New session start splash screen displayed via Frame Console (Launchpad).
  • Support for custom Account Maintenance Mode messages.

Frame Terminal 6.25.0


  • [Early Access] New enhanced browser multi-monitor support (physical monitor layout detection) when accessing Frame sessions via Chrome and Edge (Chromium). Requires Chrome/Chromium version 100 or higher.

Frame Console 3.47.0


  • New Maintenance Mode when enabled, prevents users from starting new sessions on an Account. Users will see a message in Launchpad indicating that the Account is under maintenance. Administrators are still able to start sessions to Sandbox and Utility Servers when Maintenance Mode is enabled.
  • During session start process, users will be shown detailed progress messages.
  • Administrators can now Cancel an ongoing Publish from Notification Center.

Frame Console 3.46.1


  • [API] Account VendorID is now returned for both Accounts and Active Session endpoints.
  • Improved instructions when adding a new AHV Cloud Account to Frame.

Frame Gateway 9.22.0


  • Bulk backup behavior for User Volumes (Enterprise Profiles and Personal Drives) is now optimized so that only volumes that have been used since the previous backup will be included in the next backup.
  • [AWS][Google Cloud] Improved handling of instance availability issues within AWS and Google Cloud in terms of provisioning, reserving, and starting VMs.

Frame Terminal 6.24.0


  • Ability to hide the Frame Status Bar when in full-screen mode. This feature can be enabled by setting the following Advanced Terminal Argument (either within Dashboard > Settings > Session > Advanced Options or Dashboard > Launchpads > Session Settings > Advanced Options).

Frame Console 3.44.0


  • [Early Access] [GCP] Users can suspend their Persistent Desktop session and resume the session later. When the session is suspended, contents of VM memory are moved to storage and preserved. Suspended VMs do not incur GCP compute costs; however, the storage costs are incurred for storing the VM memory and persistent desktop disk.

Frame Console 3.42.1


  • Ability for admins to Close All Sessions within Dashboard > Status > Active Sessions.

  • Support for .ico files for custom application icons.

  • Show error message when loading an Analytics page times out.

Frame Console 3.41.0


  • Ability to clone Sandbox or Utility Server from a selected Backup to destination Accounts.

  • Renamed Machine Image Name to Master Image Name and moved field and value from Summary page to the Sandbox and Utility Server pages for Accounts created with BYO Image.

Frame Terminal 6.20.0


Tech Preview Feature to automatically refresh video stream (FRP8 only, does not apply to FRP7) when a specified packet loss rate threshold is exceeded that could result in a frozen session and/or visual artifacting. Feature can be enabled via the Advanced Terminal Argument:

Frame Console 3.40.0


  • [AHV] Ability to clone Persistent Desktops from one Account to another. Accounts can be deployed on different Cloud Accounts (AHV Clusters).

  • Ability for administrators to select whether times within Frame Console are displayed in UTC or their local time zone. Exception is that times within Analytics will always be shown in UTC and time zones within Capacity will remain configurable. Administrators will be able to configure this setting within Profile > Preferences > Time Display.

Frame Console 3.39.0


  • AHV: Ability to clone User Volumes (Enterprise Profiles and Personal Drives) from one Account to another. Accounts can be deployed on different Cloud Accounts (AHV Clusters).


  • Issue where Disk Size within Dashboard > Sandbox is not properly updated after a Sandbox clone operation.

  • Issue where Quick Launch Launchpad fails to load, resulting in a white screen.

Frame Console 3.38.0


  • Ability to share and revoke Shared VPCs from one GCP cloud account to another GCP cloud account, under Cloud Services at a Customer or Organization level (requires a Shared VPC to be configured in GCP Console).

  • Frame Admin API endpoint to unassign an assigned persistent desktop.


  • Issue where user profiles and personal drive options appeared to be available for Linux workload VMs.

Frame Console 3.37.0


  • Instance Pool name is now shown in the VM Type column within Dashboard > Status > Servers page to make it easier for administrators to identify which specific Instance Pool a VM belongs to.


  • Issue where updates to Active Capacity scheduling were not properly applied until the same day of the following week in situations where the schedule was updated within 30 seconds of the next Active Capacity schedule start time.

Frame Console 3.36.0


  • Show template image name used to create Account Sandbox within Dashboard > Summary > Account Details for customers using bring your own (BYO) image.

  • Ability to configure a Scheduled Backup Interval for any backup within Frame up to 30 days.

  • Validation to prevent administrators from setting Machine Name Prefix to an empty string.

Frame Console 3.34.1


  • New column within Dashboard > Status > Servers shows assigned user for persistent desktop accounts.

  • Search feature within Dashboard > Status > Servers allows search by assigned user name and user email for persistent desktop accounts.

Frame Console 3.32.0


  • Revised the Test Publish feature where Test Pools are now regular Instance Pools that are flagged as Test within Dashboard > Capacity settings (instead of being created automatically when feature is enabled). If there are no Test Pools configured with capacity enabled, the feature will be automatically turned off for the Account.

  • For Accounts created with a BYO Image, the Base Image used to create the Account is now listed in Dashboard > Summary.

Frame Console 3.31.0


  • Support for creation of multiple Instance Pools of the same instance type within the same Frame Account (non-persistent only) within Dashboard > Capacity settings.

  • Ability to assign a custom name for each Instance Pool within Dashboard > Capacity settings.

Frame Console 3.30


  • Added new column “Volume Type” under Volumes > Backups with possible values of Profile (Enterprise Profile backup) or Personal Drive (Personal Drive backup).

  • Expose the ability to list the installed software on a stateful (Sandbox, Utility Server, Persistent Desktop) workload VM for workload VMs on AHV, AWS, and Azure.

Frame Console 3.29


  • Ability for Frame administrators to set the maximum size a user volume (e.g., enterprise profile disk, personal disk, and persistent desktops) can automatically grow to.

  • Administrators can clone a utility server to a destination Frame account, regardless of the base OS image for the destination Frame account Sandbox.

Frame Console 3.28


  • Frame Admin API List Active Sessions endpoint includes user_email in the response.

  • Ability for Frame administrators to select and delete multiple user volume disks (enterprise profiles and personal drives) and backups at the same time in the Volumes page.

Frame Console


  • Administrators are warned that a change to the CIDR for a Frame-managed VPC/VNET will incur downtime since the VPC/VNET and workload VMs must be recreated with the new CIDR.

  • Administrators can now specify more than one Active Capacity day/time period for an instance pool.

Data Availability


Nutanix has established a Data Availability Policy for transaction data (Session, Usage, Disk Usage, Elasticity, User Activity, Session Reports, Audit Trail, Session Trail, Tasks, and Notifications) available from the Frame Console. Customers who need transaction data beyond the stated availability periods are advised either (a) to download the transaction data manually from Frame Console or (b) retrieve the data through an automated process using Frame Admin API on a monthly basis and save the transaction data in their own systems. Customers in need of transaction data older than what is available through Frame Console may make a one-time request to Frame Support for the archived historical data.

Frame Console


  • New Frame Admin API endpoint for retrieving Launchpad information (/accounts/{account_id}/launchpads).

  • New Frame Admin API endpoint for onboarding an application (/accounts/{account_id}/onboard_app).

Frame Console


  • Ability to backup and restore a Frame account’s Sandbox, Utility Server(s), Persistent Desktop(s), and volumes (enterprise profiles, personal drives) to second Frame account in the same infrastructure type (Bring Your Own AHV and Azure infrastructure for this release). For Azure, the backup Frame account must be in the same Azure cloud account as the Frame account (same or different region). For AHV, it must be in a different AHV Cloud Account. (Early Access)

  • Administrators can specify the maximum number of automated persistent desktop backups that are retained.


  • Improved network statistics reports in management dashboard.

  • Additional logs available in Logs section of the management dashboard for easier troubleshooting.

  • Additional troubleshooting and monitoring tools in the Tools section of the management dashboard.

Frame Console


  • Under Dashboard > Volumes, the created date/time and last used date/time fields are available in the list of volumes.

  • Administrator is not allowed to delete a production pool while another pool is being deleted.

  • Session ID and user name are added to the Session log dialog for each session.