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Frame Platform 24-07-28

Frame Console 4.13.0


  • Streaming Gateway 4 is now Generally Available for all public cloud providers. The new Streaming Gateway page for management of clusters and nodes is now available in Admin Console. Please see Streaming Gateway 4 documentation for more details. Installation files for manually deployed nodes are available on our downloads page.


    Streaming Gateway Appliance (SGA) versions 3.5 and earlier are not supported with the new Streaming Gateway management page in Admin Console.

  • Ability to associate/disassociate an Account to a specific Streaming Gateway 4 cluster within Dashboard > Settings > Networking.
  • Enhanced resource tag validation for all cloud providers.
  • Added the Metadata field to the Session Trails API, allowing for more detailed reporting. (FRAME-891)
  • Updated the Reset Master Image dialog for Sandbox and Utility Servers to filter images by operating system instead of image family. The image dropdown now displays Image Name, Image Family, and Date/Time Imported, allowing administrators to differentiate between imported and Frame-provided images. This change ensures both BYO and non-BYO versions of the same family are visible in the list of choices across all supported cloud platforms. (FRAME-1295)
  • General UI and navigation enhancements.


  • The retention policy for Notifications has been changed from 12 months to 3 months. (See Data Availability for more details).
  • Bandwidth is now displayed in Mbps instead of Kbps in session details.

Frame Gateway 11.14.0


  • Added steps in the reset master image flow to check the selected image's disk-size requirements and update the volume size accordingly to prevent provisioning failures.

  • Improved naming of Frame's master images with a new pattern for better UX, now displayed as <NAME> (<OPERATING SYSTEM>) <DATE> <Time> in Frame Console. (FRAME-1295). Example:

    • Frame-Azure-Windows11 Master Image (Windows 11) Jun 11 2024 10:47 UTC
  • Optimizations to streamline workload notifications.


  • [Azure] Issue where adding security rules with a priority of 2001 could fail if already used by VMs in debug mode, by dynamically calculating the starting priority value for new rules.

  • Additional reliability fixes.