Frame Console 3.32.0
Revised the Test Publish feature where Test Pools are now regular Instance Pools that are flagged as
within Dashboard > Capacity settings (instead of being created automatically when feature is enabled). If there are no Test Pools configured with capacity enabled, the feature will be automatically turned off for the Account.For Accounts created with a BYO Image, the Base Image used to create the Account is now listed in Dashboard > Summary.
New endpoints to retrieve Launchpad settings using Frame Admin API.
Ability to configure Launchpad Instance Pools and Applications using Frame Admin API.
Issue where a WebSocket remains open when the user is in-session.
Issue where Instance Pool pop-up window does not automatically close after Instance Pool is selected in LaunchPad.
Issue where origin check was enabled for session messages web endpoint that prevented FRP8 sessions from starting via Frame Session API.
Issue where Base Image Family options for BYO Images are not displayed after the user returns to the Region and Network page and selects a different Cloud Provider during the Account creation process.
Additional reliability fixes.
Frame Gateway 9.7.1
- Support for executing Volume (Enterprise Profiles and Personal Drives) operation requests in parallel with other Account operation requests.
Issue with Frame Accounts on GCP where a workload VM is terminated when a volume detach request is made for a volume that has already been detached.
Issue with detaching a volume when reboot of the workload VM initiates the volume detach operation.
Additional reliability fixes.