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Frame Platform 24-08-25

Frame Console 4.14.0


  • Card view is now available for Dashboard > VMs providing more detailed VM-specific information including Frame Server version, FGA version, availability zone, and storage type.
  • New OFS feature badge is now available within Admin Console > Accounts if OFS is enabled for an Account.
  • New column showing Last Used date and time for Persistent Desktops in Dashboard > Volumes. (FRAME-1239)
  • New Customer Support and Organization Support user roles. These roles provide the same permissions as existing Account Support role - but for accounts across the Customer or Organization. (FRAME-1369)
  • The VM Workload ID is now viewable by hovering over the Session ID in Dashboard > Sessions.
  • The Dashboard > Updates page now displays a list of all VMs that require updates, making it easier to identify and manage updates for Persistent Desktop VMs.
  • Persistent Desktops can now be assigned by user_uuid.
  • Improved error reporting in scenarios where Frame Terminal fails to load.
  • Additional cosmetic, performance, and reliability improvements.


  • The default time period for Sessions and Notifications pages has been adjusted from 1 month to 1 week.


  • Issue where the SGA 4 configuration is not shown in Settings > Networking if Account is configured to use customer-managed networking.
  • Issue when sorting Dashboard > Volumes page by type may cause page to crash.

Frame Gateway 11.15.0


  • Updated IP geolocation database.
  • [AWS] Improved handling of edge case when using customer-managed networking where the selected VPC subnet is not associated to the specific Availability Zone (AZ) that is selected when switching to a single AZ (e.g. when enabling Enterprise Profiles).
  • Custom machine name prefix is now provided to generalization playbook.
  • Additional performance and reliability improvements.