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Frame Platform 25-02-02

Frame Console 4.23.0


  • [Early Access] Support for suspending and resuming sessions on non-persistent accounts deployed in AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure. Admins can now enable the ability for users to suspend sessions on a per Instance Pool basis ( > Suspend Preferences) and configure a custom reboot schedule to automatically reboot idle and VMs with suspended sessions periodically. The VM page now also indicates which VMs have this feature enabled (S icon). (FRAME-1462)
    This feature aims to provide customers with a new deployment model that balances the user experience benefits of a persistent account, while retaining the centralized image management benefits of a non-persistent account.
    Key Considerations:
  1. The Max Capacity for Instance Pools with this feature enable will likely need to be adjusted. Max Capacity should be equal to the number of unique users that use the pool on a monthly basis.

    • Warning

      Customers with Per VM subscription entitlements enabling this feature may require an increase in entitlements and/or result in overage.

  2. When this feature is enabled, the default behavior when Idle Timeout is reached is to suspend the session instead of closing the session.
  3. For security purposes, customers are required to schedule an automatic reboot of suspended, non-persistent VMs at least once every 4 weeks if a Publish was run since the last reboot. Any idle VMs and VMs with a suspended session will be rebooted at the time of scheduled reboot. VMs with an active session will not be rebooted.
  • [Nutanix AHV] UI enhancements to the AHV cloud service portal, introducing table views to improve organization and usability.

  • [Admin API] New endpoint update_sga_node_status added to change the status of an SGA 4 node between Available or Maintenance. When set to Maintenance, the node(s) will no longer be used for new sessions. (FRAME-1575)

  • Additional cosmetic, performance, and reliability improvements.


  • Issue where Start Session button is not greyed out when VM is in maintenance mode.

Frame Gateway 11.25.0


  • Reliability fixes.