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Frame Server 9.2 (Major Release)

We are announcing the release of Frame Server 9.2 to all Frame Accounts in the Early Adopter Deployment Group, effective December 5, 2024. This release will be deployed to Frame Accounts in the Standard Deployment Group over the next 4 - 10 business days (M-F).

Frame Server 9.2.5


  • Upgraded WebRTC library to version 125.
  • Upgraded .NET dependencies to .NET 8.0.
  • Additional reliability and performance improvements.


  • Issue with multiple displays not working properly when using instances with AMD GPUs.
  • Issue with multiple displays not working properly on Linux-based VMs (requires upcoming new Ubuntu images).
  • Issue with App Mode 2.0 not working as expected when using Windows 11.

Frame Guest Agent 2.2.0


  • Frame SSO will now show the Windows LogonUI when Active Directory password change is required for the user.
  • Frame SSO now supports Windows UPN login.
  • Ability to allow for graceful Windows logoff to better support customers using third-party user profile solutions. Configured on a per Account basis – must be enabled by Dizzion Support. (FRAME-1357)
  • Latest versions of Frame Tools are now automatically installed/updated on VM startup. Only applies to Windows-based VMs.
  • [AWS] In terms of configuring instance warm-up at first boot, the following settings can now be configured on a per Account basis – must be enabled by Dizzion Support. (FRAME-1222):
    • Max timeout for overall warm-up process.
    • Max number of applications that can be initialized during warm-up.
    • Max timeout to wait for an application to initialize before it is closed.
  • [Nutanix] Support for Nutanix v4 APIs.
  • [Tech Preview] Frame Overwatch – in-session performance monitoring for Windows workloads VMs.
  • Additional reliability and performance improvements.


  • Domain Join is now tested early in the Publish process to streamline publishing and avoid unnecessary instances being created in the event domain join is unsuccessful.


  • Issue with D-Bus delays when logging in with a domain user to a Linux-based VM.
  • [IBM Cloud] Issue with improper wait times for Windows sysprep to complete during a Publish due to time zone differences of the system clock on the VM.
  • Additional reliability and performance fixes.

Frame OverlayFS


  • Issue where Windows Store apps do not start properly for new users.