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IaaS Credit Rates (Legacy)

Legacy multi-tenant customers deploying their workloads on Dizzion-provided public cloud subscriptions (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure) can pay for their public cloud usage (VM and disk) in the form of IaaS Credits.

IaaS Credit rates vary based on public cloud and instance type running the VM. More powerful instances consume more credits. Please see tables below for current rates. Note that instance rates are valid across all supported public cloud regions globally.

For pay-as-you-go customers, IaaS Credits consumed during the previous billing cycle are charged at a price of $0.01 per credit. Term customers may also pre-pay their IaaS Credits in bundles of 10,000 credits for $100 per bundle.


To request support for new instance types, please submit a support ticket detailing the requested instances and your use case. Support for new instance types will be added based on demand, availability, performance, and compatibility.

  • AWS
  • GCP
  • Azure
  • Storage
Frame VMAWS Instance TypeRAMvCPUGPUUsage (credits/hour)
Air 4GBt2.medium4 GB1N/A12
Air 4GB (T3)t3.medium4 GB1N/A20
Air 8GBt2.large8 GB1N/A24
Air 8GB (T3)t3.large8 GB1N/A32
Air 16GB (T3)t3.xlarge16 GB2N/A54
Air 4GB (AMD)t3a.medium4 GB4N/A20
Air 8GB (AMD)t3a.large8 GB4N/A28
Air 16GB (AMD)t3a.xlarge16 GB8N/A50
Air 32GB (AMD)t3a.2xlarge32 GB16N/A90
Pro 16GB (G4)g4dn.xlarge16 GB41 GPU 125
Pro 32GBg3s.xlarge32 GB21 GPU 170
Pro 32GB (G4)g4dn.2xlarge32 GB81 GPU 170
Pro 122GBg3.4xlarge122 GB81 GPU 340
Pro 64GB (G4)g4dn.4xlarge64 GB161 GPU 340
Pro 128GB (G4)g4dn.8xlarge128 GB321 GPU 680
Pro 16GB (AMD)g4ad.xlarge16 GB41 GPU 80
Pro 32GB (AMD)g4ad.2xlarge32 GB81 GPU 110
Pro 64GB (AMD)g4ad.4xlarge64 GB161 GPU 220
Pro 128GB (AMD)g4ad.8xlarge128 GB322 GPUs 440
Pro 256GB (AMD)g4ad.16xlarge256 GB644 GPUs 880
Pro 192GB (G4)g4dn.12xlarge192 GB244 GPUs 1150
Pro 256GB (G4)g4dn.16xlarge256 GB321 GPU 1350
Pro 16GB (G5)g5.xlarge16 GB21 GPU 170
Pro 32GB (G5)g5.2xlarge32 GB41 GPU 220
Pro 64GB (G5)g5.4xlarge64 GB81 GPU 340
Pro 128GB (G5)g5.8xlarge128 GB161 GPU 560
Edge 8GBc4.xlarge7.5 GB2N/A60
Edge 16GBm4.xlarge16 GB2N/A60
Edge 32GBc4.4xlarge32 GB8N/A240
Edge 32GB (R5)r5.xlarge32 GB4N/A70
Edge 64GB (Z1D)z1d.2xlarge64 GB8N/A160
Edge 64GBm5a.4xlarge64 GB16N/A220
Edge 8GB (M6)m6i.large8 GB2N/A28
Edge 16GB (M6)m6i.xlarge16 GB4N/A56
Edge 32GB (M6)m6i.2xlarge32 GB8N/A112
Edge 64GB (M6)m6i.4xlarge64 GB16N/A224
Edge 4GB (C6)c6i.large4 GB2N/A28
Edge 16GB (C6)c6i.2xlarge16 GB8N/A112
Edge 32GB (C6)c6i.4xlarge32 GB16N/A224
Edge 64GB (C6)c6i.8xlarge64 GB32N/A448
Edge 4GB (C7)c7i.large4 GB2N/A30
Edge 8GB (C7)c7i.xlarge8 GB4N/A60
Edge 16GB (C7)c7i.2xlarge16 GB8N/A120
Edge 32GB (C7)c7i.4xlarge32 GB16N/A240
Edge 64GB (C7)c7i.8xlarge64 GB32N/A480
Edge 8GB (M7)m7i.large8 GB2N/A30
Edge 16GB (M7)m7i.xlarge16 GB4N/A60
Edge 32GB (M7)m7i.2xlarge32 GB8N/A120
Edge 64GB (M7)m7i.4xlarge64 GB16N/A240
Pro 16GB (G6)g6.xlarge16 GB41 GPU 190
Pro 32GB (G6)g6.2xlarge32 GB81 GPU 220
Pro 64GB (G6)g6.4xlarge64 GB161 GPU 360
Pro 128GB (G6)g6.8xlarge128 GB321 GPU 580
Pro 192GB (G6)g6.12xlarge192 GB484 GPUs 1300
Pro 256GB (G6)g6.16xlarge256 GB641 GPU 1150
Pro 256GB (GR6)gr6.8xlarge256 GB321 GPU 650