Read through this section to learn how to manage multiple aspects of your end users' experience. Click through the pages listed below this section to learn more about Frame App, full desktop environments, system switching, session-specific settings, and more.
📄️ Advanced Displays
Frame supports many advanced display options, including multiple monitors and 4K HD monitors.
📄️ Advanced Integrations
Custom delivery of apps and desktops through PWAs, Launch Links, or custom javascript with our Session API.
📄️ Application Mode
Frame supports multiple session modes. Application mode is focused on streamlining a session's UX around one or a few applications rather than a full-blown desktop environment.
📄️ Banners and Classification Labeling
Frame Terminal banners can be used to display custom messages at the top of a user's session.
📄️ Clipboard Integration
The clipboard integration feature allows your users to copy and paste content between their local device and their Frame session.
📄️ Common Informational and Error Codes
Reference for common informational and error Codes
🗃️ Frame App
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📄️ Frame Remoting Protocol
Frame Remoting Protocol defines the communication between the end user's device and the remote virtual machine being accessed with Frame.
📄️ Keyboard Profiles
Keyboard profiles allow administrators to create custom keyboard mapping profiles for their end users' sessions.
📄️ Mouse Modes
Administrators can enable mouse modes to allow their users to interact more precisely with their Frame session.
📄️ Multi-language Configuration
Administrators wishing to provide multiple language options to their end users should review this guide.
📄️ RDP Debug Mode
This guide explains how administrators can use Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to access a persistent VM within their Frame account.
📄️ Scripting
Guides for scripting inside VM environments, code examples, and troubleshooting tips.
📄️ Session Settings
Learn how you can configure your session settings to enable specific session features for your users.
🗃️ Suspend and Resume
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📄️ USB Human Interface Device Support
This guide discusses how administrators can integrate the use of USB HID devices for their end users.