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Operating System

Customers can deploy their applications on Frame-provided OS images if using a public cloud infrastructure or bring your own (BYO) OS images. The following table describes the options and considerations for each option.

OS Image SourceSupported InfrastructuresConsiderations
Bring Your Own (BYO)Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud VPC Microsoft Azure, and Nutanix AHVRequires preparation and registration of image
BYO Azure images can be less than the 128 GiB Microsoft Azure images (30 GiB to 2048 GiB)
Frame-providedAmazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud VPC, and Microsoft AzureDo not need your own OS image at Frame account creation

In both Frame-provided and BYO OS image options, customers are responsible for OS licensing, application licensing, and OS and application updates.

OS Template Image Guides

Once you have confirmed that the operating system you wish to bring is in the table of Frame-supported operating systems, you can consult the appropriate OS template image guide.