Identity and Access
This section contains detailed guides which outline how to add new users, set up authentication and manage privileges/roles for your users. There are several ways in which an administrator can authenticate users to access their Frame environment.
📄️ Authentication
Explore the basic fundamentals of authentication and authorization on Frame.
📄️ Basic Authentication
Basic Authentication is a manual approach for providing access; admins need to manually invite users via email, and have them set their own passwords. You manually reset their passwords, manually delete the users, and give users various roles/permissions for Frame Accounts, Organizations, or Customers. If you are planning on using Frame's Basic Authentication for your user management, continue reading to learn how to manage your users. If you are planning on using a third-party provider, we recommend reading through the information in the Identity Provider Integrations section.
📄️ Dizzion C3
Dizzion Frame now supports Dizzion C3 as an authentication provider, allowing administrators to use the same credentials they already use for and to access Frame. By enabling Dizzion C3 authentication, users can seamlessly log in without managing multiple credentials, improving security and streamlining access. This guide will walk you through the steps to enable Dizzion C3 as an authentication provider.
🗃️ Identity Provider Integrations
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📄️ Authorization
The Frame Platform provides administrators with a role-based access control (RBAC) capability to manage user and administrative access to their accounts. Through the Frame Admin user interface, administrators are able to assign roles which grant varying levels of access to their users. These same granular controls are available for all authentication types.
🗃️ Secure Anonymous Tokens
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