Supported Instance Types
This table provides a comprehensive overview of the instance types that are currently supported on our platform. Each row details specific characteristics such as the provider, instance name, family, number of virtual CPUs (vCPUs), RAM allocation, and GPU availability. Notes on specific capabilities or limitations like unlimited bursting are also included.
To request support for new instance types, please submit a support ticket detailing the requested instances and your use case. Support for new instance types will be added based on demand, availability, performance, and compatibility.
Provider | Instance Name | Instance Type | Instance Family | vCPUs | RAM | GPU | Notes |
AWS | Air 4GB | t2.medium | T2 | 1 | 4 GB | - | |
AWS | Air 4GB (T3) | t3.medium | T3 | 1 | 4 GB | - | unlimited bursting |
AWS | Air 8GB | t2.large | T2 | 1 | 8 GB | - | |
AWS | Air 8GB (T3) | t3.large | T3 | 1 | 8 GB | - | unlimited bursting |
AWS | Air 16GB (T3) | t3.xlarge | T3 | 2 | 16 GB | - | unlimited bursting |
AWS | Air 4GB (AMD) | t3a.medium | T3a | 4 | 4 GB | - | unlimited bursting |
AWS | Air 8GB (AMD) | t3a.large | T3a | 4 | 8 GB | - | unlimited bursting |
AWS | Air 16GB (AMD) | t3a.xlarge | T3a | 8 | 16 GB | - | unlimited bursting |
AWS | Air 32GB (AMD) | t3a.2xlarge | T3a | 16 | 32 GB | - | unlimited bursting |
AWS | Pro 16GB | g2.2xlarge | G2 | 4 | 16 GB | 1 GPU |
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