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Bring Your Own

You can register your Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and/or Nutanix AHV infrastructure in your Frame tenant and use one or more of these infrastructures to deliver your virtualized applications and desktops.

Common reasons why you would bring your own public cloud or on-premises Nutanix AHV infrastructure are:

  1. You wish to take advantage of existing billing arrangements with your cloud provider for convenience and/or pricing. For example, your organization may already have certain consumption commitments or pre-payments – you can use Frame to consume those public cloud resources associated with your subscription.
  2. You want to have additional administrative control over your Frame workloads for more detailed monitoring and metrics.
  3. You want to configure other network integrations (VPN gateways, Direct Connects, ExpressRoutes, Interconnects, SD-WAN gateways, peering to existing VPCs or VNETs) which you cannot do using Frame-managed public cloud subscriptions.
  4. You must meet industry-specific compliance regimes (e.g., HIPAA, PCI) that require you to fully manage and control your cloud resources.

The guides in this section of our documentation are for customers who choose to bring their own public cloud or on-premises Nutanix AHV infrastructure. The guides provide detailed instructions on how to configure your existing cloud infrastructure to host your Frame workload virtual machines. You may choose to use one or more cloud infrastructures with Frame.


For public cloud infrastructure (AWS, Azure, GCP, or IBM Cloud), Dizzion does offer customers the option to use a Dizzion-managed public cloud subscription that Dizzion controls and manages.

You must purchase Dizzion IaaS credits in order to use Dizzion-managed public cloud subscriptions.

Registering your Infrastructure

BYO public cloud accounts can be created either at the "customer" or "organization" tiers of Frame's logical hierarchy. More information about Frame's hierarchy concepts can be referenced here.

A BYO cloud account created at the "customer" (highest) tier will be accessible to all hierarchical children ("organizations" and their accounts). If you choose to add the BYO cloud account at the “organization” tier, the BYO cloud account will only be available to the chosen organization and any accounts underneath it. Customer Administrators can add a BYO cloud account at the Customer or Organization level while Organization Administrators may only add a BYO cloud account at the Organization tier.


A particular cloud subscription can only be associated with a single entity on the Frame platform. If you associate your cloud subscription to one Organization, it cannot be associated with another Organization or Customer. If your use case requires that multiple Organizations will have access to your public cloud subscription, you must associate the cloud account to your Customer entity.

Supported Infrastructure

Use the links below to navigate to the infrastructure you wish to bring.

Once you have registered your infrastructure with Frame, check out the “Manage Cloud Accounts” guide to learn more about managing your cloud account, adding template images, defining instance types (for Nutanix AHV), etc.

Additional Infrastructure Guides